The latest version of the MacBook Pro comes with Apple’s brand-new M1 chip. If you’re on the new M1 MacBook Pro, some Steams games won’t open because the M1 chip can only run 64-bit games and it’s based on ARM CPU architecture. You can play Steam games on MacBook Pro by installing the Steam app and downloading a Mac OS-compatible game.
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Steam has been available for the Mac OS since 2010. The M1 chips also include an 8-core CPU as well as an 8-core GPU which offers a surprising amount of graphics processing power. The reason for the faster speeds is all of the components can communicate faster and access the same data pool. The M1 chip is supposed to offer up to 3.9x faster video processing and 7.1x faster image processing than previous models.
What makes the M1 chip special is it boasts much faster speeds than the previous designs, which were having all these components as separate chips on the motherboard. The M1 chip has lots of different components, such as CPU cores, GPU, RAM, SSD controllers, cache, Neural Engine, encoders, and many other features built-in. M1 Macbooks: 1 – Apple Macbook Pro 13.3″ M1 Chip 2 – Apple Macbook Air 13.3 M1 7-Core GPU What is the M1 ChipĪpple’s new M1 chip is basically an all-in-one chip based on ARM. The performance of the new M1 chip is quite similar to the performance that you would get from a GTX 1050. Even the gaming performance on the M1 integrated GPU is comparable to some PC dedicated GPUs.